Student Application

Applications are being accepted now! Send a copy of your CV, a letter of recommendation, and two references (one can be the same as the letter of recommendation). Point of Contact for U.S. and Chinese Students are as follows. It is recommended that you have experience in computer vision or one of the related topics of the summer school. See "Theme" and "Program" for more details. Keep checking back at this page for updates in the application timeframe.

U.S. Students

US Students (US citizen or green card holders) are encouraged to apply. US NSF, NSFC and Fudan University provide travel and boarding funds for US student attendees to VLPR 2012 summer school. Please send your application to:

Charless Fowlkes

Dr. Charless C. Fowlkes

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science

Computational Vision Group

University of California, Irvine

Personal Website

EMAIL: fowlkes (at) ics (dot) uci (dot) edu

Chinese Students

A chinese flyer for the conference is here and on the Fudan University News Site. Please send your application to:

Hongbo Yu

Hongbo Yu

Professor, School of Life Sciences

Fudan University

Personal Website

EMAIL: hongboyu (at) fudan (dot) edu (dot) cn

Yan Qiu Chen

Prof. Yan Qiu Chen

Professor, Computer Science and Technology

Fudan University

Personal Website

EMAIL: chenyq (at) fudan (dot) edu (dot) cn