Computer Vision in Biomedical Image Applications: from Micro to Macro
The theme of VLPR 2012 complements the methodology-centered themes in previous summer schools with an application-oriented and human-centered theme, focusing on life forms of drastically different scales: from human and animals (macro) to cells (micro). Contrary to narrowing down on specific computer vision technologies, we aim to demonstrate a cross sectional state of the art computer vision and machine learning methodologies, to broaden our horizon for innovations and creativities and to address some fundamental issues of high throughput computing on multi-modality, high-dimensional, high volume image data (Big Data).
Broader Impact
The theme of this summer school echos the growing international trend of interdisciplinary research in biomedical image and smart health, and facilitates collaborative efforts between science and technology, computer science and medicine/biology, and US and China. In addition, this summer school offers a great opportunity for intellectual and cultural exchanges between a group of world-class researchers and motivated students from the two countries to mingle with each other in an exciting, culturally rich environment during a week-long period.
Objectives and Topics
The summer school will provide a venue and a platform for the participants to explore a wide yet coherent range of computer vision applications in biomedical domains, with a theme on life sciences and smart health. The participants will be exposed to a variety of computer vision applications, challenges and solutions leveraged by some advanced techniques, which will be presented by a group of research leaders in the field. Topics include:
- Biomedical imaging/acquisition
- Human (animal, cell) crowd tracking, behavior modeling
- Machine learning for computer aided diagnosis
- Multimodality high-dimensional deformable registration (cross modality, cross subjects)
- Computational and Statistical Anatomy (Digital atlas)
- Shape analysis, Segmentation and Visualization
- Human (animal) gaits/mood, face/expression classification/recognition
- Large, multi-modal, multi-scale biomedical image database indexing and retrieval