Tentative School Curriculum
The summer school program consists of 6-day lecture/discussion and 1-day social activities. Students will be grouped to have in-class discussions with the speakers and hands on experience. Informal interactions between faculty and students will be strongly encouraged during daily coffee breaks, lunch/dinner meeting, project discussion, and social activities. We also plan to organize a summer school gala to bring students and speakers together showing off their respective talents. As follows is a detailed list of topics and speakers
Biomedical Imaging and Acquisition
Jim Duncan, Yale: Biomedical image acquisition and analysis
Tracking and Behavior Modeling
Takeo Kanade, Professor, RI/CMU Cell Image Analysis: Algorithms, System and Applications
Robert T. Collins, Associate professor, Pennsylvania State University. Video analysis, Crowd tracking, Segmentation and Detection
Pietro Perona, Professor, Cal Tech, animal tracking and behavior modeling
Serge Belongie, Associate Professor, University of California at San Diego Video analysis, non-rigid motion, shape matching, behavior analysis
Margrit Betke, Boston University, Tracking Bats and Bats Colonies
Yoshiyuki Sankai, University of Tsukuba (Japan), The Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL)
Bioinformatics and Medical Imagery
Robert Murphy: CMU, Computational Biology
B.S. Manjunath: UCSB, [light] microscopy image analysis, retina connectome
Badri Roysam: UH, [light] microscopy image analysis, farsight toolkits
Zhuowen Tu, UCLA, Brain Anatomical Structure Parsing by Hybrid Discriminative/Generative Models
Yanxi Liu, PSU, Discriminative Subspace Learning in Large, Multi-media Biomedical Image Databases - A Blessing of Dimensionality
Shape analysis, Segmentation and Visualization
Charless Fowlkes, UCI, Automating Biological Image and Shape Analysis
Hanchuan Peng, HHMI, Vaa3D: high-performance visualization & analysis for 3D images
Hanspeter Pfister, Harvard University, EM image segmentation
Yanxi Liu, Penn State, Capturing Near-regular Patterns in Digitized Life Sciences
Computational and Statistical Anatomy
Ron Kikinis (M.D.), BWH/Harvard, Neuroimage: Multimodality high-dimensional deformable registration, 3D slicer (tools), Brain Tumors
Hanchuan Peng, HHMI, High-throughput analysis of microscopic images using 3D digital atlases of model animals
Face, Mood, Expression & Gait Recognition
Rama Chellappa, Minta Martin Professor of Engineering, Director, Center for Automation Research, University of Maryland, College Park, Human gaits
Fernando De la Torre, Associate Research Professor, CMU. Human Sensing, Face Analysis.
Stay tuned for further updates as the date of the school approaches!