
Tuesday (7/24)

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8:30 - 9:30 AM Prof. Anant Madabhushi
Histologic image analysis - unique challenges in digital pathology Quantitative data convergence (Part III)
  • Introduction to QDC
  • Convergence of radiology and histology
  • Convergence of radiologic and molecular data
  • Convergence of histogic and molecular data
  • Cross modality correlations - What can we learn and how?
References: [Ref 1], [Ref 2], [Ref 3], [Ref 4]
9:30 - 10:00 AM Tea/Coffee Break
10:00 - 11:00 AM Dr. Hanchuan Peng
Vaa3D: Visualization-assisted analysis in 3D
Vaa3D Website
Google Code Page
11:00 - 12:00 Noon Prof. Hong Ma
Chromosome behaviors during Arabidopsis meiosis reveal meiotic recombination mechanisms

Meiosis is essential for sexual reproduction in humans, animals, plants and other eukaryotes. Meiotic recombination facilitates the re-distribution of genetic variation and is important for plant and animal breeding. Defects in meiotic recombination can cause infertility and birth defects in humans and much of the understanding of meiosis have been obtained through image analysis. We use the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana to investigate meiotic recombination and the genes that are required for this process. Light and electron microscopy are essential for observing meiotic chromosomes and properties of chromosomes detected in the microscopic images are used to infer mechanisms of meiotic recombination. In particular, aspects of the meiotic chromosomes that show dramatic differences in mutant meiotic cells reveal that the genetic defects are causing abnormal meiotic recombination, thereby uncovering steps in the meiotic recombination that are either unknown or lacking details. Specific examples will be presented to illustrate how images are examined and which aspects are crucial for understanding meiosis. Although analysis of microscopic images can be done by scientists with sufficient training, it is rather laborious and challenging to analyze many hundreds of images within a short time. It is highly desirable to be able to analyze meiotic chromosome images using computational methods, such that normal and defective images can be accurately indicated and the specific defects can be recognized and used to conclude regarding the meiotic abnormalities.

12:00 - 2:00 PM Lunch
2:00 - 3:00 PM Prof. B. S. Manjunath
Bioimage Informatics, Part 1: Image analysis challenges

A fundamental problem in bioimage analysis--and a major bottleneck in the workflow--is that of spatial-temporal segmentation of the data. In the context of microscopy images, these data include the traditional 2D images, as well as the 3D stack images (consisting of optical section, 4D (time lapse plus 3D) and 5D (4D plus spectral).
  • Overview of the problem and some biological examples drawn from current research.
  • Segmentation and tracing in electron micrographs towards building a retinal connectome.
  • Introduction to probabilistic graphical models in image analysis, Markov Random Fields and interactive segmentation.
Segmentation, Tracing, Tracking References: [Ref 1]
3:00 - 3:30 PM Tea/Coffee Break
3:30 - 4:30 PM Prof. B. S. Manjunath
Bioimage Informatics, Part 1: Image analysis challenges (Cont'd)
  • 3D tracing of multiple structures in EM data and issues of scalability.
  • Super-pixel based multiple segmentations and fusion.
  • Tracking examples (microtubule and melansome tracking), challenges; Simultaneous detection and tracking framework, scalability and robustness issues in tracking.
Multiple Structure Tracking References: [Ref 2], [Ref 3].
4:30 - 5:30 PM Review and Discussion