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Symmetry Detection from Real World Images


Symmetry Detection from Real World Images

- A CVPR 2011 Workshop


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CVPR 2011 Workshop


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CVPR 2011 Workshop


We have called for participation in the first symmetry detection competition from all researchers worldwide, especially students. Three types of symmetries are targeted in real images: reflection, translation and rotation. The top winners of Round Two competition have received travel funds from US NSF and presented their algorithms, results and analysis at the Symmetry Detection from Real World Image workshop at CVPR 2011, Colorado Springs, CO, held in June 2011.

A CVPR 2011 workshop on 'Symmetry Detection from Real World Images'.



Symmetry Detection from Real World Images

A CVPR 2011 Workshop

Friday, June 24


Program of the Day






A Brief Introduction

Yanxi Liu
(Chair of workshop)


A Summary of how the Competition is Carried Out (Technical Overview & Results) – Part 1

Ingmar Rauschert


Short Break


10:15 -11:00am

Reflection & Rotation Symmetry Detection

Competition Winner Presentations



Detecting Bilateral Symmetry with Feature Mirroring

Quanyi Mo and

Bruce Draper


Multi-Scale Kernel Operators for Reflection and Rotation Symmetry

Alessio Ferone,  Shripad Kondra and Alfredo Petrosino


Symmetry-growing for skewed rotational symmetry detection

Hyo Jin Kim, Minsu Cho and Kyoung Mu Lee


Symmetry-based Segmentation
and Object Recognition

Panel Speech and Discussion




Symmetric Parts and Their Role in Object Recognition

Sven Dickinson


Symmetry-integrated Image Segmentation

Bir Bhanu

and Yu Sun


Symmetric Piecewise Planar Object Reconstruction from a Single Image

Xue Tianfan, Liu Jianzhuang, Tang Xiaoou

12:00 / Noon


------------------ Lunch Break -----------------




A Summary of how the Competition is Carried Out (Technical Overview & Results) – Part 2

Ingmar Rauschert

2:00- 3:00pm

Symmetries in Urban Scene Analysis

Panel Speech




Competition Winner of Translation Symmetry

Translational and reflection symmetry for detection of salient repeating regions in urban scenes

Changchang Wu,

Jan-Michael Frahm and Marc Pollefeys


Image-based Facade Modeling and Symmetry Detection

Long Quan


Parsing Facade Images using Reinforcement Learning

Iasonas Kokkinos and Nikos Paragios


Short Break



Symmetries in Urban Scene Analysis

Panel Discussion



Summary and Conclusion

Yanxi Liu



Speakers / Authors


Sven Dickinson

Professor and Chair

Computer Science Department

University of Toronto, Canada


Bir Bhanu

Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering

Director of The Center for Research in Intelligent Systems

University of California, Riverside, USA


Yu Sun,

Visualization and Intelligent Systems Laboratory

University of California, Riverside, USA


Bruce A. Draper

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science,

Colorado State University, USA


Quanyi Mo

Ph.D. Student

Department of Computer Science

Colorado State University, USA


Alfredo Petrosino

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Department of Applied Science,

University of Naples Parthenope , Italy


Shripad Kondra


Department of Applied Science,

University of Naples Parthenope , Italy


Kyoung Mu Lee

Professor and Associate Dean for Research Affairs

Dept. of Electrical Eng. & Computer Science

College of Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea

Minsu Cho

Ph.D Student

Dept. of Electrical Eng. & Computer Science
College of Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea


Hyojin Kim

Masters Student

Dept. of Electrical Eng. & Computer Science
College of Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea


Long Quan


The Department of  Computer Science and Engineering
The Hong Kong University of  Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China


Iasonas Kokkinos

Assistant Professor

Department of Applied Mathematics

Ecole Centrale Paris, France


Nikos Paragios


Department of Applied Mathematics

Ecole Centrale Paris, France


Changchang Wu


Department of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington at Seattle, USA


Jan-Michael Frahm

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA


Marc Pollefeys


Institute of Visual Computing

Department of Computer Science

ETH Zurich, Switzerland


Ingmar Rauschert

Ph.D. Candidate

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Pennsylvania State University, USA


Yanxi Liu

Associate Professor

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Pennsylvania State University, USA







Ingmar Rauschert

Dr. Yanxi Liu


Advisory Committee:


Jacob Feldman (Rutgers)
Richard Hartley (ANU)
Takeo Kanade (CMU)
Jitendra Malik (U.C. Berkeley)
Doris Schattschneider (Moravian College)
Marjorie Senechal (Smith College)
Christopher Tyler (SKBIC)
Luc Van Gool (ETH Zurich & University of Leuven)
Laurent Younes (Johns Hopkins University)
Alan Yuille (UCLA)
Andrew Zisserman (Oxford)




This competition is supported in part by an NSF grant IIS-1040711 (PI: Y. Liu), and in part by funds from industry sponsors.



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